a piece of azam :)

why am I take this title ?
yea.. now, sleepy is my closefriend that accompanying me during day to day. as many efforts to avoid it, in fact it still come into my life. Do I hate with this? literally, yes I do. But, as long time I live, I always try to realize that sleep is a bless from Allah, so i have to be thankful. being thankful not only say Alhamdulillah.. but we have to be clever about thank to God :)
so, this is my part of my life (azam) to be a better person..

my plan to stay alive while I feel sleepy during class (DS & campus)
1. sleep well at night, do preparations before sleep
2. eatless and drink more water
3. get spirit, energized, keep smile, and give my happy face to others
4. take goals, azzam, and deep niat to Allah
5. remember: sit up straight, dont let my head nodding off, make myslef interest with the topic like i will only get this mattery once, maximalling this chance, figure out some questions, follow the way of the material.
6. pray, motivate myself about my parents, my struggle before study in UGM, my money that ive  spend everyday
7. fight with my laziness, ask friend to wake me up when sleepy,
8. forgive my self if i found my self get asleep during class, istighfar 100x, laahaulaa walaa quwwata illa billah, take some compensations, try try and try again :)


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