Just realized :3

Wednesday | 23/12/15

Now, I’ve got many words. Not rarely, I didn’t know what’s the native meaning. It seems as ‘yeah I understand’. But, if you ask me what’s the meaning of those words? My answer would be, i just forget. You may open your dictionary. Like that. Im not really sure that I can explain about the precise definitions. Hereafter, i realized that when I was in elementary and junior high school, my teacher often give us (the students) some tasks to memorizing definiton of the word. You know, unimportant word like norm, discrimination, etc. (forget for examples). Actually memorizing in the past is very useful for current term. Is not just memorizing to got a good mark, but its about to make new understanding in our brain. Yups, i just realized :3
no vain for every science we got.


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